
Ze Duck Faces

Roach Fears

Some people, mostly women and children, are afraid of cockroaches especially when they fly about, probably because they feel queasy after knowing about the cockroaches' rather repulsive lifestyles.

I have been seeing this cockroach inside our bathroom for two days now. This gave me the idea of writing or I mean, blogging about Roach Fears. Yesterday it was on top of the shower curtain, my Marie quickly grabbed my arm and shouted, then earlier today when I was about to bathe, 'twas crawling upwards (near the bathroom door) and I was too scared to get rid of it. How weird! It's as if the thing was spying on me! Ha ha ha! And oh, while checking the boxes at our helper's room, one cockroach seemed to be hiding behind my children's toys. That really made me uncomfortable, I wanted to throw everything away!

Are you afraid of cockroaches? 

Kitty Comic Strips

One week later..

I like cats and Love Marie loves cats, too! And what do they have in common? Their names!

Stared on her first edited picture (bottom left) and this lightbulb popped on my head! No I didn't realize I was making a comic strip.

I'm not sure which is more badass - the fact that our little girl looks good on the comic with kittens or someone (particularly ME) spent hours in the computer making this DIY comic strip. You may be like me who loves taking pictures of her baby doing stuffs, in which case, ended up to this.


Monday Afternoon

Riding a KMK bus on our way to the mall on a hot afternoon.

Had donuts then fun with games at the lower ground floor Bibo.

Our merry little babies!

Marie patiently waiting for her turn.

The ducky splash which was my personal favorite.

Much convenient now since they have Bibo powercards to swipe, no more tokens!

Smash, smash, smaaaaash!

Kimmy Jellies rather than fruit shakes, kids wanted to try these out! 

Her "angry" look again.

A short shopping trip.

When it's dinnertime, it means joy because of chickenjoy. Get it? Ha ha ha.

Swirling the spaghetti.

Eating with bare hands for a flavorful meal.

Of course the day wouldn't be complete without a picture with Jollibee!


Out for a Stroll

A couple of images where I tried to capture the moment of my kids. The only place that they felt they could freely roam around. My afternoon with my children was such a stress-buster! It was totally relaxing, in fact I think I was the only one who really enjoyed. 


S'more Day for the Kids

Seriously amazing s'mores!! I admit, this was my first time making s'mores, EVER! This isn't a common snack in the Philippines, and I know for sure only a few knows what it is.

Eversince I was a kid watching international movies with my grandfather, I had been so curious how they make it, and why they burn it. Well, now I know.

I gathered charcoals, then started making this wonderful treat for my kids.

Less mess.

See what you can get with just 3 ingredients?? A whole lot of fun! My eldest loves Graham crackers, second is craving for marshmallows, and of course my third baby is super crazy about chocolates! Well, all 3 love chocolate, who doesn't?!

Why don't you try one for yourself! 


Marilyn Monroe Fail

I tried putting make up on my little girl the other day, following the Monroe look. I know what made it look like her was the red lipstick (which faded in the picture), eyeliner on both ends of the eyes and the mole.

So does Marie look like the other one below instead? LOL


Love Marie Water Bottles

Here I am showing off my baby's water bottles for her party in a few weeks. Light pink for girls then yellow green for the boys. I browsed a couple of polka dots from Google, cropped a picture of Love Marie, designed it myself, and printed them on a photo sticker paper (which I got from InM Partycrafts). These are the actual water bottles I made (bought the original bottles from a grocery store, Nature's Spring Mineral Warer for only 6 pesos each). Now that's a great buy, ei?

I really am impressed on how they came up on the shape of the bottle. I just wish next time they'll shape it like a cat's face but also with an affordable price.


A Work To Remember

As I sit here typing this, I can't help but miss my first job, our first job together in one company. We were so fortunate. I mean, come on.. We tried applying thrice only and got the jobs quickly as possible. But to this company, I can say this one's different. Or maybe I thought it was because 'twas my first time.

We were eating at Red Ribbon (JESA IT-C branch) after an interview & orientation at a call center, saw a couple of smokers with resumes and brown envelopes, then we asked the security guard on duty what the eff was happening and whether or not there's a job hiring. We passed our resumes and we waited and waited for 6 hours. At first we thought it was hopeless because we were shortlisted but I was confident enough on our way home since this Tagalog guy (our boss) said he really want both of us to get the job.

2 or 3 days later, this particular company called us and said we can start the training in a few hours. Of course we were confused because the first call center we were at said we already have the job!  On that very day, we dressed up and started our training at V Customer Cebu Philippines.

Made friends and foes. Made memories.


Happy All The Time

6 years, 4 months and 27 days ago I gave birth to a healthy baby boy. I thought he would be the only child in the family. My first born son, who is giving the entire family a reason to smile. 


2 years passed, JC came along. A very observant little kid. When I was still carrying him inside my womb, I kept praying for a little girl however he's the opposite, but I knew he'd have the same hair as mine. 

Time has gone quickly enough for me to realize that the latest addition to our family, is a smart and pretty little girl. Bet you didn't know that I wanted twins this time! Ha ha ha!

Some people say it's a burden to have many kids, and how unfortunate we can be. How could people say such horrible things! I know I'm the luckiest mom on earth because I have these three. Might have some more, TWINS (still on the list! ha ha ha).

My family. Enough reason to be happy all the time.


Lolo and Lola


They tell me wonderful stories about life when they were young. How everything is so opposite before and the very different childhood they had. For years I have witnessed their ups and downs so now I would like to share some more information about my Lolo Chato (grandfather) and Lola Narding (grandmother). They're the only grandparents I know. Lolo Chato is stiff, and acts like he doesn't care about what-when-where in our everyday life but I truly know that deep inside he does. While Lola Narding on the other hand, is so humble, forgetful (he he he at times) and a martyr. 

My Lola says that Lolo worked all his life to earn money until he had his own business, audio and lighting hire for party and events. This doesn't just make music and lights, they make great sound and as far as I can remember, an awesome mobile set up with the help of his crew (consisted of some members of the family, i.e., cousins and uncle & friends of cousins). I'm not sure but I think the first DJ was Uncle Sergio, now it's my cousin, JP. Lolo also cooks this "ginaling / giniling" we used to buy at a kitchenette (ground pork with chopped carrots and whatever) with an egg and makes it an omelet, oh I can taste and smell it at this very moment!!! And you know what, I passed this simple recipe to my kids, they so love it and i do, too coz they keep adding rice every time I serve this special omelet! Hi hi hi hi...

Palm wine or "tuba / bahalina" in our dialect (Visayan | Leyte, Philippines) was popular when I was a kid. Mixed with Pepsi (now it's mixed with Coke since Pepsi is rare) was a favorite drink of Lola Narding. I do recall the taste of it especially when I hear someone saying that he/she misses this drink. Lolo would tease her (grandmother) in front of me that she's a drunk then Lola would pinch his ear. *sigh* I miss them everyday! Both of them were very supportive especially Lola Narding. She encouraged me to do anything that I was able to do. She was always there in my recognition and graduation days to put on awards and medals (though I didn't get too many, but I still did he he he). Also, she used to come after me from the internet cafe (year 1998 - 2002, we didn't have a personal computer at that time yet VERY LONG TIME) or at my bestfriend's house.

One quick fact for the readers who wasn't able to read my past blog regarding my grandparents, I was raised by them and lived with them.

I know many of you are wondering, where are they now? Well.. They live together at our house in Leyte and hopefully next year the five of us can transfer there to be a very happy family. I never realized how brilliant they are until the time I cried out loud missing them. 


Heart-breaking News from Multiply

It is indeed disruptive.

This afternoon, while I was transferring photos from our digital camera to the PC, I opened my multiply account to store them there. However, before directing to the media locker this message caught my attention. This is totally heart breaking, I mean.. For how many years?! 6 or 7 I think? I've always trusted this site with all my photos, videos, recipes, some blogs.

Now I am in the process of copying my pictures to my hard disk. Hope they won't be gone before I wipe out everything. Or else I'm doomed!



..is a weakness your enemies will not share.

I think I have finally got the right quote this time. That's why I never believed in "peace". Hope you got my point here. By the way I got this line from Henri Ducard from the movie Batman Begins (2005 movie).



Today I realized I should add a much more affordable sandwich on the menu. It's just the same size of a clubhouse sandwich and I even call it a clubhouse sandwich to avoid confusion from the customers (coz I already have regular sandwiches for sale HAM/EGG).

Normally, clubhouse sandwiches looks like these.. With fries or chips around it. However what I'm adding to my menu is without the real ham nor the egg. Bought sandwich spreads with different flavors in the grocery, the regular flavors I give my children as baon for school.

Tuna spread, ham spread and lastly, chicken spread. I know some of you might say 5.00 pesos is too much and/or is too cheap, but please do remember I'm not selling food for a living, this is to earn extra income. And these are our food found at home. We're all very glad the piso players help us finish our stocks (just think about the expiration dates when you groceried too much).

Makes sense?


Getting Ideas

Normally I get ideas from almost anything! I know I tend to be clumsy and sometimes my ideas don't work.

Just my luck.