
About Marie's Party

In 6 weeks and 4 days, Love Marie will be two. Oh how time flies! I wanted her visitors to enjoy the party, mainly the kids.

When people celebrate their children's birthday, all they ever think about is how the older guests would think about the party. Well, not to mention "This party is so fancy, this sure cost a fortune!" or "Why don't they have this and that, blah blahhh" . It's all about having fun and making it memorable since it's a KIDS' PARTY.  I didn't mean to be so rude, I just hate the fact that "people" wanted to impress people through material things. I don't care if it stresses me, as long as I'm happy with what I'm doing, and as long as my kids enjoy what I'm doing for them. Don't be hatin'.   ;)

Moving on, I'm thinking about cooking for her big day and rent a clown, maybe? I have never tried having a clown in all my kids' birthday parties. I did have Jollibee and other mascots, but not a clown. Not yet. Marie is afraid of clowns! I don't want to scare her but on the other hand, I may be able to reconsider. I just pray that it won't frighten her that much so she can really enjoy her day.

I have prepared everything except for the food and drinks. How about finger foods? I honestly didn't want to include rice on the menu but that always makes every Filipino enjoy the food. I know it's a bit early, however I am doing it by myself, I think I've got a lot of time to prepare (noo you didn't expect my husband to help, did ya'?? ha ha ha!). Okay.. All I have now is: crepe paper, cartolinas, art papers, ribbons, construction papers, glues! And oh, I nearly forgot! Love Marie and I went to the city last week to have the printer cartridge refilled and unfortunately there's something wrong with it. Well I'm not sure if it's the printer or the cartridge. Now we will be heading back to the city to have it checked and fixed (again, not sure if I'll bring the cartridge only or the printer). So you get the idea, I haven't been working on printed art yet.

Candies, chocolates, and everything sweet and nice on the day of the party! And since my baby girl is not familiar with our neighbors, every kid is invited to come and have fun.

See you!

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