
For JdJcLove

Yesterday, before my daughter was fetched by her grandma from the South, I kept holding on to a thought that reminded me of this particular blog I made last year. (http://jdjclovejo.blogspot.com/2012/05/junk-food-so-good.html)

We were at 7 Eleven having snacks then when my little Marie got so excited about seeing one junk food I bought, and look why I'm stressed out right now! 

I remember how my 3 babies begged for this since I really do not want them eating junk. Am I that strict? Sometimes I pity myself because the happiness they get from eating whatever they want is limited. Or.. Is it? Kani way char. 

Geez I really feel old right now.

As a parent I have to be prepared of course since I would not do anything to harm them.

Anyway, I do understand my reasons but I admit that I can't stop blaming myself  every time I see them envy other children's acts. Oh well, I can not stop them from growing so the least I can do is to offer them what's "bawal" or what's not good for you oftentimes just for experience.  NOT TOO MUCH OKAY.

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