
Marie's DPT/PV

Now, what is DPT/PV? This is given to infants - children to protect against three diseases viz : Diptheria, whooping cough and Poliomyelitis and Tetanus.

Here, our baby girl received her first dose a few hours ago.

Adverse Effects: Mild local reactions consisting of erythema, pain, and tenderness, swelling and induration at the injection site are common, usually self-limited and subside without treatment. Persistent nodules at the side of injection have occurred following the use of an adsorbed vaccine, but this complication is unusual. Abscess at the site of injection has been reported (6-10 per million doses.)
Mild to moderate systemic reactions occur frequently following injections of this vaccine. These usually consist of one or more of the following symptoms and signs: temperature elevation >38�C, drowsiness, fretfulness, anorexia, vomiting, irritability, persistent or unusual crying. These symptoms are most frequent during the first 24 hours following vaccine injection and may persist for one or two days.

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