
Happy All The Time

6 years, 4 months and 27 days ago I gave birth to a healthy baby boy. I thought he would be the only child in the family. My first born son, who is giving the entire family a reason to smile. 


2 years passed, JC came along. A very observant little kid. When I was still carrying him inside my womb, I kept praying for a little girl however he's the opposite, but I knew he'd have the same hair as mine. 

Time has gone quickly enough for me to realize that the latest addition to our family, is a smart and pretty little girl. Bet you didn't know that I wanted twins this time! Ha ha ha!

Some people say it's a burden to have many kids, and how unfortunate we can be. How could people say such horrible things! I know I'm the luckiest mom on earth because I have these three. Might have some more, TWINS (still on the list! ha ha ha).

My family. Enough reason to be happy all the time.

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