

Early today Mark texted his Mama to know how was it going there for them, that's how we knew about what's the reason for his sister's illness. We really want to go there and visit this afternoon but his Mama insisted because since I am pregnant, I am prone to illnesses and this Amoebiasis can spread through inhalation. Well, I'm not so sure, I just read it on a column somewhere on the internet.

This disease generally occurs in young to middle aged adults, but can affect anyone because people can be receptive to infection by ingesting contaminated food or water containing the Entamoeba histolytica microorganism, although Amoebiasis is mostly associated with people living in areas of poor sanitation and it is a common cause of diarrhea among people living or traveling to developing countries, specially those located in tropical or subtropical areas, but also coming from domestic suburbs with non hygienic conditions.

In case you don't know, my idea of blogging about this type of gastroenteritis infection is to make people aware of the symptoms before it gets worse. I can simply tell because my cousin has had this disease before, and Mark's sister is having it at the moment (Mark and I were present by the time his younger sister's symptoms showed up).

Now, how did Fe Lyn get this disease? I don't know, "we" don't know. It is said that in order to trace the cause of the disease it is necessary to know what you ate and drank in the previous weeks, and/or where you traveled before you became ill. Well, that's hard if you don't have a good memory. Hahaha!

She was confined at a hospital not far from home at 10:30 in the evening, due to their Mama's excessive worrying for Fe Lyn's worsen nausea and diarrhea. She also has cramps on her sides, abdominal tenderness, loss of appetite, and an obvious weight loss. I don't know about her bowel movement (if it contained blood or loose stools).

I guess all we can do is to pray for her fast recovery.

If you want to read more about Amoebiasis, click here http://kidshealth.org/parent/infections/parasitic/amebiasis.html

See you again some time, bye.

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