
Knock "ME" Down

Now something has just popped into my head, the song I kept on listening over and over again and got me hurt a lot of times. I don't know, maybe it's just nature that in every song, I would get emotional whatever the genre is.

I don't believe that there's this perfect song but what I believe is that some songs would truly match your life, and that makes it remarkable! I could probably find songs that reflect my mood, but most of the time I'd burst into tears when I hear crazy music.

I'd like to share one song which I really, really like and every time I hear it, I would still feel the exact same pain I felt by the time I made this song officially my "crying song". Hope you got that. So here it goes, follow the link and you'll know.



We are the Aristocats!

I don't know.. But I think I am starting to get obsessed with The Aristocats! This is a cartoon movie produced by Walt Disney Productions in 1970. I really appreciate those talented people who made this movie. To think that it was from 1970?!

You wouldn't believe how many times a day I'd usually watch this cartoon when I was pregnant with my little girl, Love Marie! And guess what, I am now downloading another copy of it since I wanted my 3 children to watch it as well. I know for sure they'll love it, too!

Aside from the fact that me and my 3 kids love cats, we also have a common taste in choosing the right food, outfit, songs.. Almost everything! What can I say? They got it from their momma!!! He he he.

Right! So I have always been thinking that we are like the Aristocats 'cause ya know, their family is obviously a group of five.. With 2 boys and a little girl, like I would say. Well, you can download the movie as well if you want to get to know Duchess, O'Malley, Berlioz, Toulouse, and Marie.

Have fun watching the movie guys!

And oh, here's a summary of the movie:



A Peek in our Fridge

Hi guys.. Time to remove those drama! Here lemme show you what's in our fridge. These are the contents in our fridge for our 3 little angels, they would just open it and have their snack whenever they want! I just love seeing them with their appetite.

Okay, we have yogurt, biscuits, cake bars, oats, chocolate powdered drink, hotcake mixes,spaghetti sauce, champ-o-rado,cheese spread, sandwich spread, and of course JUNK FOOD! 

Work-Family Balance

"There's no such thing as work-family balance", i forgot where I got this idea but it's obviously a fact!

When I chose to have my children, I know I might be burdened by the perception that I'd be less dedicated to work. Even though I have the option to leave my job, I would be so worried about the possibility of being unemployed. Or should I say, to be employed in another company.

I know that in the first place I wanted to try this.

It hurts both me, my husband and my children when we can't spend much time together now that we are complete, especially when I can see it in their eyes how they feel about leaving them before going to bed or arriving after they're awake. And when I'm stressed out or exhausted  from work after a long night, my kids would tell me negative things, like.. "You don't love me anymore Mama", and I feel I am not doing enough. I feel so guilty. I even hate the fact that I would accidentally fall asleep in the middle of tutoring them or playing with them. As for my husband, we haven't had any serious talks or even sweet talks anymore.

I love my family, there's no doubt about that. Someone would tell me, "When you go to the office you  normally leave home behind, so as your family. And your children are still young, don't you think it's time for you to be a mother and not leave them at an early age?" and "By the time you arrive home, out of exhaustion you get into small issues with your husband. An argument with him is a lot more draining than an argument with a colleague in the office. ". This is such a huge confusion about work and family.

I am not complaining about how my job exhausts me, in fact I feel self-fulfillment about having this job and making my grandparents proud (again), but I believe I do not like the fact that it takes almost 4 hours to travel from home to work and work to home. I do not have enough time to spend with my family, especially with my children. It's such a waste of time to spend all your energy in some extra curricular activities. I don't even have time for my husband and to socialize. Since I didn't get all my parents' time and attention when I was young, I do not want my children to feel that way and to realize that when they grow up. Otherwise they will end up like me. No time for their future family and for themselves.



No one else will be the mother of these 3 babies, of course! All born in Perpetual Succour Hospital (Cebu) last March of 2006, February 2008, and September of 2010. My incredible boys and girl who bring joy not only to me, but also to our family. 

Figuring out how to nurture my little ones is a constant work in progress. You know, emergencies, how to deal with "work time" and "family time". I am by nature impatient, but it all changed when I learned everything about having a baby. Before having kids, I was kind of lost for the fact that I was living alone in the city, wasting time and money, and away from my relatives (especially my parents). 

I really wanna tell the whole story however, I don't think there's much room in here.