
Right Place Right Time

So I got the title of this blog from my favorite television series How I Met Your Mother (season 4 - episode 22). I really love Neil Patrick Harris' role here. Ha ha!

And.. I didn't realize there are many songs entitled "Right Place Right Time" til today. Oh yes you better believe it! 

Anyhoo, I'm now showing you my 4th tattoo from my wrist. What do you think, a yay or nay?

Got inked to cover my unbearably awful scar from years ago.

Angels Cry by Mariah Carey | Music Video & Lyrics

Hoping to get the perfect quote from one of Mariah Carey's songs, need it for THE couple tattoo we're getting. Excited! ♥

I shouldn't have walked away
I would've stayed if you said
We could've made everything OK
But we just
Threw the blame back and forth
We treated love like a sport
The final blow hit so low
I'm still on the ground

I couldn't have prepared myself for this fall
Shattered in pieces curled on the floor
Super natural love conquers all
'Member we used to touch the sky

Lightning don't strike
The same place twice
When you and I said goodbye
I felt the angels cry
True love's a gift
We let it drift
In a storm
Every night
I feel the angels cry

C'mon babe can't our love be revived
Bring it back and we gon' make it right
I'm on the edge just tryin' to survive
As the angels cry

I thought we'd be forever and always
You were serenity
You took away the bad days
Didn't always treat you right
But it was OK
I do somethin' stupid
And you still stay with me

But you can only go for so long
Doing the one you claim to love wrong
Before too much is enough
You look up
Find your love gone

We were so good together
How come we could not weather
This storm and just do better
Why did we say goodbye

'Cause lightning don't strike
The same place twice
When you and I said goodbye
I felt the angels cry
True love's a gift
We let it drift
In a storm
Now every night
I feel the angels cry

Mariah & Ne-Yo:
C'mon babe can't our love be revived
Bring it back and we gon' make it right
I'm on the edge just tryin' to survive
As the angels cry

Baby I'm missin' you
Don't allow love to lose
We gotta ride it through
I'm reaching for you

Baby I'm missin' you
Don't allow love to lose
We gotta ride it
I'm reaching for you

And im gonna say

Lightning don't strike
The same place twice
When you and I said goodbye
I felt the angels cry
True love's a gift
But we let it slip
In a storm
Every night
I feel the angels cry

Oh babe, the angels cry


We're Not From Here

Welcome to Newtown Estate, Pardo Cebu.

I'm just happy my kids are happy.


1 Dress Many Ways

Just thought I'd give you a heads up. Adult or not, there are many ways to wear a dress. I really like styling the same dress my girl wears. Sorry not a professional stylist though. You can go from classy to sporty, sporty to chick, chick to outgoing, outgoing to childish, childish to romantic, romantic to materialistic and many more.

Have you ever tried to see how many different styles you can make with one dress?

They Call Me "Jo"

I figured, this is my blog so I have to say something about myself. 

I don't take things for granted anymore.

So I kind of want to write some more facts but I can't for I don't know where to start and how to end it. Okay let's give it another try. 

This year had been tough, full of lessons learned and finally realizing (yeah realizing!) I'm an adult. I may not always succeed, but I like to think I have some idea of making myself worthy. For some reason it was always making other people enjoy the moments.. Making memories, having fun & the so-called "living the life". Whatever!

Anyway, I'm very passionate when it comes to kids. Not because I already have kids. As far as I remember, since I was in my elementary years I sort of feel like a mother to my schoolmates. Or maybe it was because I get to be the teacher's favorite.. I don't care, it was awesome!

Moving on, there are a few things I really want to do while I am still a walking stick. For one, those other things calling my attention. Here: http://jdjclovemcjo.blogspot.com/2012/09/101-things-list.html. I published the list on my blog in case the user removes it under his domain. So I tell myself if somebody can do it, why can't I? But tell you what, I've got some things I keep to myself that you are about to know!

Visit Area 51 
It’s rumored to have hosted (and could still) anything from alien remains and/or alien spacecraft, so why not find out for myself!

Watch a Movie at a Drive-In Movie Theater
Wish they have it here. So romantic

Solve a Rubik’s Cube
The most popular game of its kind that I honestly do not want to lay my hands on. LMAO

See for myself that the Earth is round
Yeah, tell me about it! 

Okay wait, can we like pause for a moment? Don't worry guys I will post a blog about the things I want to do, and you might wanna try them out too. And maybe pictures of em so it wouldn't be that boring! Ohh just imagine yourself making the impossible, "possible".

101 Things List

So here are some things that guy did. He he!


Currently completed: 40

Partially completed:  13

1     Write a Novel - PARTIALLY

2     Swim With Sharks - COMPLETED

Swim With Dolphins - COMPLETED

Swim With Whales

3     Win an Award, Trophy, or Prize - COMPLETED

4     Catch A Fish With Your Bare Hands

5     Make a Discovery

6     Throw A House Party When Your Parents Are Out - COMPLETED

7     Eat Exotic Foods – PARTIALLY

7.5 Eat at Weird Restaurants

8     Realize Your Childhood Dream

9     Learn that instrument - COMPLETED

10   Leave your mark in graffiti - COMPLETED

11   Storm Chase A Tornado Visit Every State - PARTIALLY

12   Get A Piece of Art into a Exhibition – COMPLETED

13   Meet someone with your own name - COMPLETED

14   Ride the World’s Biggest Rollercoasters - PARTIALLY

15   Stage Dive or Crowd Surf

16   Get into the Guinness Book of World Records  - COMPLETED

17   Own a Pointless Collection - COMPLETED

18   Study the Kama Sutra and Put Theory Into Practice  - PARTIALLY

19   Master Poker and Win Big in a Casino

20   Get backstage and hang out with a Rock God - COMPLETED

21   Be a Human Guinea Pig  - COMPLETED

22   Go Up in a Hot Air Balloon - COMPLETED

23   Get Arrested Ride in a Sleeper Car on a Train

24   See a Space Shuttle Launch

25   Capture the Moment in an Award-winning Photograph

26   Bungee Jump

27   See an Erupting Volcano

28   Sky Dive - COMPLETED

29   Meet Your Idol

30   Stay in the Best Suite in a Five Star Hotel

31   Experience Weightlessness

32   See the Aurora Borealis

33   Get to Score a Hole in One

34   Design your own cocktail - COMPLETED

35   Play a Part in Your Favorite TV Show

36   Visit Every Country - PARTIALLY



Cayman Islands



New Zealand


37   Make Fire Without Matches - COMPLETED

38   See These Animals in the Wild - PARTIALLY

39   Bet on a horse/dog/etc race - COMPLETED

40   Get a Free Upgrade on a Plane

41   Be Friends with your ex - COMPLETED

42   Go Target Shooting - COMPLETED

43   Throw a Dart into a Map and Travel to Where it Lands

44   Attend a Film Premiere - COMPLETED

45   Do a Runner From a Fancy Restaurant

46   Scuba Dive - COMPLETED

47   Milk a Cow – COMPLETED

48   Be Present When Your Country Wins the World Cup  Be Present When UNC Wins the National Championship, Redskins Win the Super Bowl, or Hurricanes Win the Stanley Cup

48.5  Attend a UNC v Duke Game - COMPLETED

49   See Both Solar and Lunar Eclipses - PARTIALLY

50   Write Your Name Over a Star on the Walk of Fame

51   Learn Another Language

52   Read the Greatest Books Ever Written - PARTIALLY

53   Complete a Coast to Coast Road Trip Across America

54   Make at least one huge purchase you can’t afford - COMPLETED

55   Score the Winning Try/Goal/Basket - COMPLETED

56   Gatecrash A Fancy Party

57   See the All-Time Greatest Films - COMPLETED

58   Live in the Place You Love - COMPLETED

59   Leave a Job You Hate - COMPLETED

60   Take Part in a Police Line-up

61   Get Away with the Perfect Practical Joke or Hoax

62   Join the Mile High Club

63   Make the Front Page of a National Newspaper

64   Drive a Car at Top Speed

65   Shout ‘Drinks Are on Me!’ in a Pub or Bar

66   Be Part of a Flash Mob - COMPLETED

67   Visit (a list of iconic places around the world) – PARTIALLY

Roman Coliseum

Golden Gate Bridge

68   Save Someones Life

69   In Various Languages, Learn to say…(please, thank you, your welcome, I’d like a beer, swear, etc) - COMPLETED

70   Invent a Word That Makes it into the Dictionary

71   Have Adventurous Sex (in different places) – PARTIALLY

72   Have Enough Money to Do All the Things on This List

73   Stand on the International Date Line

74   Learn to Fly a Plane

75   Get a tattoo and/or piercing - COMPLETED

76   Invent Something

77   Learn Astronomy and Read the Night Sky

78   Drink a Vintage Wine

79   Answer a Personal Ad - COMPLETED

80   Spend Christmas on the Beach

81   Get Barred From a Pub or Bar

82   Build Your Own House

83   Skinny Dip at Midnight – COMPLETED

84   Sell all Your Junk on eBay and Make a Profit Learn How to Ski - COMPLETED

85   Visit the World’s Tallest Buildings - PARTIALLY

86   Run a Marathon - COMPLETED!

87   Conquer Your Fear

88   Get Married Unusually - COMPLETED

89   Learn to Cook – COMPLETED

90   Join the 16-Mile High Club  Go White Water Rafting - COMPLETED

91   Publish a Cult Website

92   Own an Original Work of Art - COMPLETED

93   Complete the Monopoly Board Pub Crawl

93.5  Get Your Name in the Ring of Honor at Flying Saucer - COMPLETED

94   Get Something Named After You – PARTIALLY

95   Get Revenge

96   Be an Extra in a Film

97   Live Out of a Van Participate in… - PARTIALLY

Mardi Gras

New Year’s Eve in Time’s Square

98   Go On a Demonstration - COMPLETED

99   Confess

100 Reach 100 Years of Age

101 Continue Your Gene Pool

From http://101thingsbeforeyoudie.com/the-list/. Thanks dude! So amazing!


Practice Day

James' school practice day for their dance presentation on October 6th, Naga fiesta. While at it, he was with his friend eating kwek-kwek. Just don't wanna eat the coating (flour & food coloring) of the food.

Went to seek apartments right after the practice & had 2 cheeseburgers each. Ha ha!


Hanging Out

I was hanging out in the school library watching Source Code and chewing gum whilst waiting for Pauline to come back from class. But tell you what, my heart's beat was getting faster by the minute Pau left me alone and brought JC with her to her class. Nobody knew me and they said outsiders aren't allowed, well.. Kevz! Ha ha ha. Our excuse was that I was a part of the alumni community way back, and good thing almost everyone who worked there were very nice.

Meeting some new friends at the library was so fun, however this one guy scared my baby boy a little! I don't know, maybe because he was a big guy.. Or maybe 'coz he has a funny face.. Hi hi hi hi.

I'm glad I was able to enjoy my stay to simply be together but not really talk to each other especially when there are cameras everywhere. Girls just looooove taking pictures!


My Begging Boys

One quiet morning, just sitting in the sun and waiting for a treat. 

What is really interesting about these two little beggars is that they have1 tiny piece of biscuit, which they cheerfully shared.

Most beggars request money, but may also ask for cigarettes and booze. 

But not these two! I'd be horrified if they do! 

Truth is, one weekend these boys got excited for a quick pictorial. 'Twas an easy job for me and them since they like messing with their faces.

My good looking begging boys.


Simple Yet Cute

This is my Marie's church outfit. 

So I started my day doing our 1-week laundry after a quick bath and breakfast  (2 pieces of pan de sal & egg). And of course it's a Sunday, CHURCH DAY!  Again, I found myself staring at my baby girl's closet to find something she could wear to church. I knew I would find something fresh! It's never too early to turn your precious ones into a superstar with a simple yet cute outfit! A little silver, white, and purple goes a long way.

What do you ladies usually dress your daughters for church?



I have one cousin who loves to pose in front of the camera anytime, anywhere! We call her "Tisay" (a Visayan term - since she has white complexion), real name is Mary Grace. Tisay is used to sharing her pictures with social networks and online communities, and sometimes has the funniest gestures from all over the internet. 

Incredible eyes as you can see, it fancies me how she changes from horizontal to vertical to back again, and especially her love of cameras! Fone camera, digital camera, web camera YOU NAME IT!! Like me, she wants to preserve memories. He he!! 

Oh don't mind our grandmother, she didn't want any close ups that day!