
That Crazy, Beautiful Lie

Unsatisfying as it was for him, he found fulfillment in sleeping that quickly, and it was over.

Not having expectations met by your birthday is indeed a party pooper. 

"Happy birthday! You are a year older. Something about that face makes me so excited and sad all at once.  Not quite the party we expected but you are on your way to becoming a little man." 

I'd choke on my own silence seeing a heart that has been through so much in my short time here but yet still sees the good in everything and everybody. One with the biggest heart I've ever seen. And to make it broad, I can't stand seeing people waste their potential. Most especially with this kind, just uncanny.

There are people who are losers by virtue of being unpopular or unattractive or unhappy or generally denigrated -- he knows he is totally the opposite yet he decided that was going to be it and says he's going to be fine. I don’t think there’s anything more frustrating than lying to yourself. I so badly want to do something to help him, but I know it’s useless until he decides something. At times this leads to some uncomfortable, intense and heated conversations.

So to support his theory, as usual. The determination is unending and you think you are stubborn at times, but no. That is not how the people look at you, not how I look at you. Your curiosity is inspiring (and sometimes a little nerve racking) and I know with your sense of adventure and imagination, the sky is the limit for you. You go out of your way to make sure everyone feels accepted though you are truly crushing yourself (Oh look, feels like I am talking to myself again). 

I now have no idea what the point is, but I can tell you how much I have been aiming to see things the way people see them.


Kasadya sa S.R.P | S.R.P Commodity

Zewett is the one with striped shorts and the one who wears a black sleeveless shirt.

Zewett is somewhat like a proprietor for the rides in Kasadya sa S.R.P. based in the Visayas, particularly in Cebu. He and his family has been making the amusement park their living for years, and is now expanding into many places.

I loved all the rides they have to offer, but above and beyond the fancy thingamajigs I just couldn't remember that one name for my favorite. Considering the fact that we're done with five (5) rides, we headed straight home without drinking the beer we brought nor the chips we bought.

If you're anything like me your camera is always by your side (phone camera as for me that night). And yes -- taking videos and capturing photos were a helluva challenge alright! A girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do. Now the idea to clearly enjoy your night either hanging or sitting on the rides is to simply love what you do. Since this is not my first time, I'd like to share a few tips. Dream it. Wish it. Do it.

This blog actually goes to our two good friends Richie and Clavelle, so as the newest addition to their small family, Leven. Can't wait to be with you guys for another fun night in Kasadya sa S.R.P.!

*If you are, in any way interested, 3Z Carnival Amusement Park is operating in Cebu South Reclamation Area during Christmas and this year, may extend their stay up to April or May. *


A Different Dimension | Hand Picked Illusions

So you got it good? I even stare at these visual illusions for hours!

The Story

I have a story. And the year 2013 is over, so I need to get on with it.

On the first day of of the last week of June, a friend took me head over heels from the house of my workmate all the way to the beach. Sometimes I can't believe this made me happily insane. And I haven't reached the part with falling for him yet.

I met him once before, a few years ago. We were college mates then. I knew him from there and never heard from him for years.

This is where I say I swear I'm not making this up. Any of it. Even that last part.

I wasn't happy (or maybe I was but not as happy as I am now). I traveled alone. I was in trouble. I was in a familiar place. Lots of friends. Still alone. The last time I saw him, I couldn't remember. He's my favorite friend now.

I felt like I was walking around in someone else's world. Best way to describe it. Stuff like this doesn't happen to me. I don't spend a night with someone I barely know, at the beach, just smiling and smiling the night away. It was fun, though.

Originally I was staying at one of the known apartments in the city, but you see he has a cousin which happens to be my friend, who owns small units I could transfer to. So I'm guessing this was a big opportunity for me to let him be a part of my life. Blah.

Hanging out with them reminded me of going to college in 2009. He became an inspiration at work :) I got to do things I never knew about before. He sneaked me into his room. We went out for ice cream, boodle fights with the awesome guys from BSP. It was different than when I worked for this certain company I was dying to get my hands on. All things change, I guess.

He was bouncing off the walls about the errands he needed to work on. Jolly as he can be, he learned to accept me even if we had some things in the past that did not turn out quite well. He knew I have three pigs. He was kicking around a new idea. I sort of thought I shouldn't be hearing this new idea. I pretended not to hear the idea, even when he kept coming over to my rented apartment to discuss the idea. I pretended not to hear it the whole weekend. I wasn't supposed to hear it just like I wasn't supposed to have any fun. Then I was eating breakfast with him before going to fetch my three litol pigs.

And now the idea has a kickstarter.

There are lots of cool things about him to boast about. One mere fact is his smile. I just can't take that off my mind. I know anybody would fall for that. And see where it got me? Hah!

Half of My 2013

I just went through the past six months of my 2013 that has been a big hit of my life. I had days and days of low self-esteem, and things would go my way during the day. 

It was always fun to do business with a company that gives you happiness. If you haven't done it before you probably haven't lived! Hah!

By checking the internet, I found out how time passes so quickly. Most of us are getting used to spending time like how you want it to be spent -- or not. Take for example my experience, I live by the motto "Everything happens for a reason." so why not do it anyway? Even if I honestly did not want other people's presence and opinion. Even if I knew what it might lead to. Even if I was hurt a thousand times. Even if I did not understand life.

And this is the part where I blabber.

I have my own reasons as to why I only compiled my life-long journey until June of last year. As many of you know, oh wait.. I can't tell you that now! You must be aware of the next few blogs I'll be making. So, sorry for the interruption.

Have a pleasant New Year!

Maybe Sometimes Love Just Ain't Enough

I've always wondered how relationships start and end. Which is kind of weird, since I've been in and out a few times, and never actually made it myself. Wait did I just say that?

I figured if you're going to meet a person, then fall and break up with him, why not just remain friends to begin with? How had the fine people of this planet (including me) not thought of this obvious adaptation? We're the same people drooling for lust, somehow we think who's to blame? And another thing; why the hell would anyone agree to having relationships as a contractual agreement?

So, while this ended up not being the happy ever after I had hoped for, it did make for a nice companionship, and if you're looking for an answer to what love is, I hope I can give you the answer I am searching for.