
50 Hurting Experience From Loving


1. Letting go of a person you've just learned to love

2. Reminiscing the good times you shared together

3. Shielding your heart to love somebody

4. Trying to hide what you really feel

5. Trying to hide the tears that involuntarily fall from your eyes

6. Loving a person too much

7. Giving up someone you never thought of giving up

8. Having the right love at the wrong time ...

9. Taking the risk to fall in love again

10. Hiding your relationship from someone else

11. Controlling your feelings to avoid hurting a friend

12. Thinking of him/her every waking and sleeping moment knowing all the while that he/she never even thinks a single thought of you...

13. Letting go, because everytime you see the person, you only fall deeper

14. Holding back only to find out when it's too late, you both felt the same way, but were only scared to lose each other so much that you didn't let the feelings out

15. Falling in love with someone you didn't mean to fall in love with

16. Finding the perfect guy/girl...with only one problem- he/she doesn't love you...the way you want him/her to...

17. Helping the one you love "court" your friend / helping your friend "court" the one you love

18. Seeing the one you love crying for someone else

19. Waiting also hurts like hell

20. Having to hear "... I've met someone"

21. Agreeing to his/her wish to 'just be friends'.

22. Asking his/her freedom back bcoz 'he'd/she'd be happier with him/her'

23. Asking you to 'forget that everything happened' and be 'normal' friends again.

24. Hearing that you're treated as a little bro/sis (ouch!)

25. Sharing his/her future plans for the guy/girl with you.

26. You stopped being friends bcoz his gf/her bf asked him/her to.

27. Being denied in front of people.

28. Telling you lies where he'd/she'd been when actually, he/she was with a 'new friend' or an 'old flame' (whew!)

29. He/she told you he'd/she'd be leaving you to return to his/her ex? the one he/she left for you!

30. Breaking someone's heart

31.Fighting for that one thing that would make you happy that is, holding on to a person who can not guarantee you is/her commitment unless he/she fix himself/herself. ..then, you are left hanging for the moment...then he/she says, time will tell... ang labo lang niya...but you still decided to hope in him/her and trust him/her

32. Pretending you're OK when inside you're dying...

33. Pretending to be strong.... and recognizing your weakness

34. Lying in bed each night, thinking of that special person you can never have...

35. Being with someone you can't actually love...

36. Pretending you don't love a person whom you actually love...

37. Being in love...

38. Letting go even if you really don't want to...having no right to say you are hurting because it was your decision

39. Seeing the person you love hurt because of you... and not being able to help that person...

40. Having the courage to say "I LOVE YOU" to the person you love and finding out afterwards that things will never be the same again when he/she doesn't treat you with the same closeness as before

41. Having to face the fact that someone is capable of completely destroying the wall that you have set for yourself, leaving you weak and vulnerable

42. Admitting that you love someone despite his/her imperfections

43. Finding out that the more you try to hate him/her, the more you end up loving him/her, perhaps even more than before

44. Realizing how stupid your mistakes were that led to your break-up.

45. The thought that this guy/girl, used to really love you and you loved him/her as well but you didn't give enough and he/she gave up on you

46. Sharing the one you love with SOMEBODY.... else....."

47. Making a promise....and realizing that when the time has come for that promise to be delivered... the commitment is no longer there...

48. Violating your parents' rules for that someone that you love.

49. Leaving your long-time friends because the one you love cannot accept them.

50. The hardest thing about love - believing it!!!!

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