
Baby's Favorite Sleeping Posture

This is our baby girl's ever-loved position when she's asleep! 

Onto my chest with knees bent on a froggy style position.. You can't actually define what it's called but when you look at it, that's just it.

That makes two of us.. Coz my mom said when I was a kid, this was my favorite, too! 

But when I make her sleep on my chest like this, I make sure that either of my arms are there to support her neck and back. Better be careful when handling baby, because she frequently attempts to toss her little head from side to side. 

And by the way, through this, I would not have a hard time making her burp after every feed. Bravaaaa!


To immediately find out if the Similac® Brand Powder Infant Formulas in your possession has the presence of a small common beetle, click here!

Life happens. Formula happens.

Now, we all want what's best for our child, right? Then why don't we read first before giving anything to our babies..

If you want to read more about this issue, visit http://www.fda.gov/Safety/Recalls/ucm226885.htm

We all know there's nothing we can do about it, we should trust the researches and doctors or what ever you call those developers of infant formulas! Safety first or else our children will suffer  :-(

Perchlorate found in infant formula -- CDC

Samples of powdered infant formula contain trace levels of a rocket fuel ingredient, a federal study has found.

Researchers at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention tested infant formula for traces of perchlorate because of concerns that the chemical can damage thyroid function. Their findings were published last month in theJournal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology.

Perchlorate has been found in the drinking water of at least 35 states and the District of Columbia. The chemical can inhibit the thyroid gland's iodine uptake, interfering with fetal development.

The highest levels of perchlorate were found in formulas derived from cow's milk, the researchers found. They also looked at soy-based formulas, as well as formulas from lactose-free cow's milk and synthetic amino acids. They declined to say which brands they tested, but said each one contained detectable levels.

The study does not answer questions about how traces of perchlorate affect human health. Some factors could offset the chemical, including the presence of iodine. An infant's weight and formula consumption can also influence risk.

The researchers also offered several caveats for understanding the results, including the scope of the study. The samples were all taken from one city, meaning the results might not apply nationwide.

But some groups are pointing to the findings as evidence that the government needs to set a more stringent perchlorate health advisory level.

"Infants fed cow's milk-based powdered formula could be exposed to perchlorate from two sources -- tap water and formula," said Anila Jacob, a senior scientist with the Environmental Working Group. "That suggests that millions of American babies are potentially at risk."

Jacob's group is urging U.S. EPA to regulate perchlorate in water. Last year, the agency said it saw no need for such regulations because they would offer no "meaningful opportunity for health risk reduction."

But EPA in January delayed deciding on regulation until the National Academy of Sciences studies the matter.

Senate Environment and Public Works Chairwoman Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) said in a statement that the CDC study puts further pressure on EPA to set a safe drinking water standard. Boxer introduced legislation last year aimed at limiting the amount of perchlorate in drinking water and requiring some public water systems to monitor it and inform the public of any contamination.

EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson pledged at her Senate confirmation hearing that she would address perchlorate. EPA did not respond to requests today for comment.

She turns a week older every Tuesday.

Our pretty baby girl turns 3 weeks this very day. We haven't done a lot, just like our normal days, sitting at home, watching television or a movie, breastfeeding her,talking to her, etc.

She's getting bigger and fatter each day.. Oh wait, is that a yawn baby Marie? Hehehe that's neat!


Oktoberfest 2010 at Crown Regency | To go or nor to go?

Since I am not yet allowed to drink beer as of now, we find it hard to decide whether or not to go to the Oktoberfest Party this year @ Crown Regency.. Or maybe some other places in which Oktoberfest is held.

Oh well, for those who are interested, here are some details:

October 16, Saturday, 8pm at Fuente Towers Ground Floor  for only Php599/pax inclusive of Entrance & Unlimited Beer

Club Ultima Members will get a special rate that’s Php499/pax (Inclusive of Entrance & Unlimited Beer).

For inquiries, call (032) 418-8888. Tickets are available @ the Front Office.



Confessions of a Shopaholic

This is just a preview of our baby girl's first closet. Whoa! Aint that nice. She's still at her early weeks and these are her belongings. Other stuffs are in the other closet because this is obviously full.

All is given by my mom, and we do have a lot in common!



Marie @ 2 weeks.

Our youngest ever girl in the family, Marie, turned 2 weeks old yesterday, September 21st. Mango float, fruit salad, and a very huge box containing ALL her baby things (clothes, med kit, bibs, etc., YOU NAME IT!) were her surprise gifts.

And.....baby doesn't care!

Good thing the package from Mommyla arrived yesterday, what a very perfect timing! We are almost out of diapers for baby Marie.

Did not post much photos of the contents inside because they are so many. Hahaha!

Thanks to God and to Mommy Grace for everything!


Meet Love Marie.

At the first week of September was the  birthday of our little princess, Love Marie. We took shots of her at her first few days. Visitors said she looks a lot like her Papa. Urgh! So, in short, she looks a lot like a boy. Blah! Kidding!

Anyway, she weighed 6.5 pounds when she got out of my belly. Take note, she was only on her 36th week. Just 5 more lbs. to go for the average weight of a newborn baby at 9 months. She was just so adorable! And for the record, the doctors said our baby was the one who has the fairest complexion of all the babies born that day. That's overwhelming alright!

Mum kept calling on the cellular phone and asked for baby Marie's photos, but unfortunately the internet connection in the hospital was so slow.. 

At the weekend she had her newborn screening schedule, oh that must have really hurt! However, the pressing of her sole on her feet for the blood to come out did not last for five minutes. There are no other ways for that though. It was such a pity watching her cry and there's nothing I can do to stop the crying because I was forbidden from embracing her. 

We then went home on the first day of the following week. Since there was no one else in the house at that time, our dogs Totse, Hudson, and Ashburn welcomed baby Marie!


No Blog for yesterday because...

I was kinda using my new Samsung Corby S3653 with wifi. I tried to blog there but the texts wouldn't show up, it kept on loading.. Until I surrendered and fell asleep!

Well, it's a very nice phone, I'm not too picky on phones as long as it has Wifi in it. Okay this is just a quick one, maybe I'll blog a lot later after our baby's check up.

See ya!


The Oxytocin in me.

I'm pretty sure you guys do not know what the Oxytocin is, and I'm here to give you a little knwledge about it because I have had a couple of doses after my C/S.

Oxytocin is a naturally-occurring hormone that stimulates the smooth muscle of the uterus to contract. It is most effective at term when the uterine muscle is most sensitive, but it can have stimulatory effects even early in pregnancy. Oxytocin is used to induce labor, to stimulate pre-existing labor, and as a uterotonic agent to reduce postpartum bleeding.

Now, have you guessed which one was for me? Yup, to reduce postpartum bleeding. It was really a big help though I suffered so much pain everytime my uterus contracted, most especially the times I breastfed my baby.

Good thing my doctors gave me oxytocin, now I do not have to worry about getting my uterus into its pre-pregnant size! (Well, that's what my doctors told me. Blah.)


What can I say? I am a lucky girl, I really am..


Their first glimpse of her.

We have just finished YM chatting with my relatives in my hometown and they enjoyed watching Love Marie though it was just through the web camera.

"Baby sister! Baby sister!" JD shouted when I moved baby Marie towards the laptop's camera.

Lola, Lolo, and everybody in the house were so delighted to see our baby girl.

The smile on their faces was such a wonderful feeling! And boy, I can't wait to travel there with baby Marie and Boogle!


Baby is Out!

Hiya! Ever wonder why the doctor's wouldn't let me sleep while the operation is ongoing? That's to prevent the baby from sleeping, too. It would be hard to pull her out when she aint awake.

Here I am with my baby girl WITH MY TUMMY WIDE OPEN but unfortunately I do not have a picture of it. Lol

Born on the 7th of September. Just two days after my step-brother Ryo's birthday. 

Did not sleep well when I was moved in the recovery room right after the procedure, I was so excited to hold my baby girl.. And while waiting for her, I viewed the pictures the nurse captured in our digital camera, and of course, took quite a shot of myself in the recovery room.


I'm back!

Hey guys.. Missed me, ei?

I wasn't able to write some blogs for over a week and now I'm here to catch things up!

Well, the reason why I was gone is because I delivered my baby exactly one week from tomorrow. I'll be sharin' photos soon.
