
Marie's DPT/PV

Now, what is DPT/PV? This is given to infants - children to protect against three diseases viz : Diptheria, whooping cough and Poliomyelitis and Tetanus.

Here, our baby girl received her first dose a few hours ago.

Adverse Effects: Mild local reactions consisting of erythema, pain, and tenderness, swelling and induration at the injection site are common, usually self-limited and subside without treatment. Persistent nodules at the side of injection have occurred following the use of an adsorbed vaccine, but this complication is unusual. Abscess at the site of injection has been reported (6-10 per million doses.)
Mild to moderate systemic reactions occur frequently following injections of this vaccine. These usually consist of one or more of the following symptoms and signs: temperature elevation >38�C, drowsiness, fretfulness, anorexia, vomiting, irritability, persistent or unusual crying. These symptoms are most frequent during the first 24 hours following vaccine injection and may persist for one or two days.


I lost track of my Homecooked Recipes..

Geez, I definitely lost track of  my homecooked recipes. I thought I was sharing everything but then again, the recipes I posted there were all tried at home. And now I just posted maybe 5 of them which are not yet tried at home.


But anyways, please check it out guys..


Have a nice evening!

BCG reaction (1012-1015-1022)

A rare, but potentially serious side effect of BCG. Photographed last 12th of October, first sign of the growing pus on baby Marie's right arm.

This was baby's BCG reaction last October 15th

Actually it did have pus twice, poor baby it must've hurt!

Here below is that BCG reaction just this day, October 22nd.

It may have healed but I think the pus will grow back for the last time because right there in the center seems to be healing slow.. Well, let's hope not!

(photo from a phone camera only)
here's my previous blog about the first photo shown above http://maclovesjo.blogspot.com/2010/10/baby-maries-bcg-reaction.html


Hair Care TIPS after a Hair Rebond

Hair Rebonding is the new age technique to transform your unmanageable wavy and curly locks to a set of glossy, straight tresses having an appearance of a layer of black satin. It is the dream of all stylish women to have beautiful hair. Hair Rebonding change this dream to reality. This is the one of the most happening fashion trend followed by the girls of the present generation.

The process of hair rebonding is actually a chemical process, which is somehow similar to the process of hair straightening. The procedure goes about like this. All the hair types are attributed with a particular bond, which is natural. It can be curly, wavy or straight. In hair rebonding, the hair of curly or wavy nature is passed through some chemical exposure. Relaxants or softeners are applied on the hair to break the bond and then again by the application of a neutralizer the physical bond is restructured. Thus a wavy or a curly hair gets a straight look. The hair rebonding is to some extent a permanent process, until the hair grows longer. 

The hair care schedule to be followed after rebonding is as follows,
  • The hair should be oiled and steamed in every 15 days and a hot towel treatment should be followed for deep conditioning.
  • Regular oiling of hair is also advisable.
  • A shampoo meant for straightened hair should be used.
  • A conditioner should be used after each shampoo.
  • A hair serum is also a must.
  • Don’t blow dry the hair often.
  • Natural hair packs like aloe vera, yogurt, egg and olive oil should be used.
  • Always include green vegetables, sprouts and nuts in the diet.
  • Touch up the hair in every three or six months depending on the rapidity of hair growth.

After My 2nd Hair Rebonding

I have just bathed!!! Yeaaah!

Alas! After 3 days of not perfectly bathing, i.e., not washing my hair.. I've felt fresh once more! After all those itching on my scalp..ewww!!!

So, I just had my hair rebonded 4 days ago, and we all know that right after doing the treatment, it is required not to wet the hair for 2-3 consecutive days so that it will take effect.

This was me at the salon:

Look at that face behind me! LOL

Baby Marie's BCG reaction

That photo over there shows our baby girl's BCG reaction. 1 month after it was given to her (from birth).

I don't actually know what stuffs are in the BCG, so if you wanna learn something about it, click here please  http://priory.com/cmol/bcg.htm  Some FAQs are discussed there.

Thank you for your time...

Car Town on Facebook

Are you a Car Town addict? As for me, well I am! 100%!!!

Through this I can race other cars, deliver pizzas, go on a roadtrip, and many more, without having a real car! It's just simple yet a fun game in Facebook wherein you can really feel the meaning of someone who has cars.

Anyway, I have captured this photo below in a perfect timing, I was playing through my mom's account (oh yes, I do now) and our cars from our account dropped by for services.

Oh sorry it can not be viewed clearly, I don't know what's happened. But, the game... It's really great! 

If you wanna have some fun at home and you are bored with those other online games, try this! 

Baptism Giveaways

Oh I'm busy searching for some nice and not too OA baptism thank you cards to be attached on my baby's rosary bracelet giveaways.. I can't seem to make up my mind with all these wonderful quotes all over the net!!!



Halloween Costume for a Baby Girl

This is Mia. Tita Tiny's baby girl. She's from Canada and oh how I love her halloween costume!!!

A pretty little ladybug!


Where Is World's First 'Test Tube' Baby Now?

On July 25, 1978, weighing in at 5 pounds, 12 ounces, Louise Joy Brown entered the world on videotape, her birth recorded for posterity because she had just become the world's first "test tube" baby. Her parents, Lesley and John, had been struggling to have a child for nine years when they turned in desperation to a little-known procedure called in vitro fertilization.

Reporters from around the world descended on Oldham General Hospital in Greater Manchester, England, trying to catch a glimpse of the first baby conceived outside the womb. So intense was the media and scientific debate surrounding her birth that doctors filmed the Caesarean section that delivered Louise to prove that her mother's fallopian tubes were, in fact, not present.

Brown is now 32, with a child of her own -- 3-year-old Cameron, conceived the old-fashioned way and delivered the same. She has tried to live quietly, working as a postal clerk and then for a shipping company, but she is constantly revisited by reporters who've noted everything from her birthdays, to giving birth, to today's announcement that scientist Robert G. Edwards had received the Nobel Prize for helping develop the laboratory process that gave her life.

"It's fantastic news. Me and mum are so glad that one of the pioneers of IVF has been given the recognition he deserves," Brown said today in a statement released by her and her mother. "We hold Bob in great affection and are delighted to send our personal congratulations to him and his family at this time."

Edwards, 85, a professor emeritus at Britain's University of Cambridge, toiled for years with gynecologist Patrick Steptoe to successfully fertilize an egg with sperm outside the womb and then implant the resulting embryo into the mother's uterus. Steptoe died in 1988. According to the Nobel committee, 4 million children have been born using in vitro (meaning "in the glass") to infertile couples. 

Being the first such child has been a mixed blessing, Brown has said over the years.

At times during her childhood, she felt "completely alone," the BBC reported in a 2003 profile. "I thought it was something peculiar to me. I thought I was abnormal." 

At age 4, her parents showed her the video of her birth, in which a squawling, tiny Louise is pulled from her mother's stomach and held before a camera that captured her being weighed, cleaned and swaddled in a blanket.

"I think it was just in case children at school knew, because children can be quite cruel. I think it was to say I was the same as everybody else, but just a little bit different, she told Britain's Daily Mail in 2008. She grew accustomed to questions from schoolmates such as "how did you fit into a test tube?" She patiently explained that she was not born in a laboratory. 

Edwards, who kept in touch with the Browns and attended Louise's wedding in 2004, was "like a granddad to me," Brown said. 

She lives outside Bristol with her husband and son, the Daily Mail reported, declining most interview requests and trying to lead a quiet life.

Within her family, Louise was far from unusual. Her sister, Natalie, was born four years after her, also an IVF baby. In 1999, Natalie became the first "test tube" offspring to give birth (she did so naturally).

But the topic of in vitro fertilization created a frenzy when word spread that Edwards and Steptoe had successfully implanted an eight-celled embryo -- which would grow to become Louise. Religious leaders said conception outside the womb was abnormal, and the Vatican has long opposed its use. Even scientists questioned the morality of the method.

And despite its current popularity -- an estimated 2 to 3 percent of children are conceived by vitro fertilization in many countries, the BBC reported today -- controversy surrounding the method hasn't diminished. Much of it now concerns older women who have used it to become pregnant. One of the most notable cases involved a 67-year-old Spanish woman who delivered twins, only to die two years later.

But the Browns have never felt anything but blessed.

"If it wasn't for Bob Edwards and Patrick Steptoe, I wouldn't have this family," said Lesley Brown on her oldest daughter's 30th birthday. "Especially now I've lost my husband." John Brown died from lung cancer in 2006. 

"Louise's birthday makes me remember back to when I had her. And looking at all my grandchildren, I think how they wouldn't be here if it wasn't for IVF,'' she told the Daily Mail.


Tinolang Manok / Chicken Stew Recipe

People eat chicken for many reasons.We actually love chicken. Other people make them because they are much easier to cook than pork. Still others make them as they are inexpensive and you can create a quick meal.

For a simple meal, grill them on the barbecue, add toppings of your choice, or top with a salad, or maybe just simply deep fry them. When we make chicken recipes, we put soy sauce and ketchup. Our own personal favorite!

At home, Mother Felisa cooks this Tinolang Manok or Chicken Stew Recipe, especially on the cold days. It is a great way to get us to eat vegetables!

Do you like chicken? Make your own or try this recipe by clicking this link http://maclovesjo.multiply.com/reviews/item/84

Another favorite of ours is the simple crispy chicken, just season the clean meat with pepper and salt to taste then coat with flour or any breading mixes available then deep fry or just simply fry.. Lot of goodness in chickens, isn't it?

A lot of people enjoy a casserole of fried chickens. You can also try barbeque-ing chickens or cooking oven-baked chickens. Both offer a very different flavor. Your choice.
If you like cheese, you, too can add on quickmelt cheese or any cheddar cheese onto your fried chicken and oven-baked chickens.

There are so many ways to cook chicken, and almost all of the recipes are kid friendly also. You can search recipes on line.


Obsessed Lyrics Mariah Carey

So Oh Oh So Ohhh
Will the real MC please step to the mic?
MC- You need an MC, place to be
MC the MC
All up in the blogs
Say we met at the bar
When I don’t even know who you are
Say we up in your house
Sayin’ I’m up in your car
But you in LA but I’m out at Jermaine’s
I’m up in the A- you’re so so lame
and no on here even mentions your name
It must be the weed, it must be the E
cuz you be poppin, hood, you get it poppin’
Ooh boy why you so obsessed with me?
Boy I want to know- lyin’ that you’re sexin me
when everybody knows it’s clear that you’re upset with me
Ohh finally found a girl that you couldn’t impress
Last man on the earth- still couldn’t get this
You’re delusional, you’re delusional
Boy you’re losing your mind
It’s confusin yo, you’re confused you know
Why you wasting your time?
Got you all fired up with your Napoleon complex
See right through you like you’re bathin’ in windex
Ooh Ohh Ohh boy why you so obsessed with me?
And all the ladies sing, all the girls sing
Soo Oohhhh Soo Oohh Obsessed
You on your job, you hittin’ hard
Ain’t gon feed you, gon’ let you starve
Graspin’ for air I’m ventilation
You out of breath, hope you ain’t waitin
Tellin’ the world how much you miss me
But we never were so why you trippin’
You a mom and pop, I’m a corporation
I’m the press conference, you a conversation
Ooh boy why you so obsessed with me?
Boy I want to know- lyin’ that you’re sexin me
when everybody knows it’s clear that you’re upset with me
Ohh finally found a girl that you couldn’t impress
Last man on the earth- still couldn’t get this
You’re delusional, you’re delusional
Boy you’re losing your mind
It’s confusin yo, you’re confused you know
Why you wasting your time?
Got you all fired up with your Napoleon complex
See right through you like you’re bathin’ in windex
Ooh Ohh Ohh boy why you so obsessed with me?
And all the ladies sing, all the girls sing
Soo Oohhhh Soo Oohh Obsessed
 Obsessed Lyrics Mariah Carey – Mariah Carey “Obsessed” lyrics seem to be going after Eminem.If this is really the case,Mariah is not holding anything back.You can judge for yourself 

The Warning Lyrics Eminem

Only reason I dissed you in the first place is because you denied seeing me
Now I’m pissed off
Sit back and relax homey, kick back and relax, grab a six pack while I kick facts
Yeah Dre’s sick track, perfect way to get back
Wanna hear something wick wack?
I got the exact same tat that’s on Nick’s back
I’m obsessed now
Oh gee, is that supposed to be me in the video with the goatee
Wow Mariah, I didn’t expect her to go balls out
Bitch, shut the fuck up before I put all them phone calls out you made to my house when you was wild n out before Nick
When you was on my dick and give you somethin to smile about
How many times you fly to my house? Still trying to count
Better shut your lying mouth if you don’t want Nick finding out
You probably think cuz it’s been so long if i had something on you I woulda did it by now
On the contrary, Mary Poppins, I’m mixing our studio session down and sending it to mastering to make it loud
Enough dirt on you to murder you
This is what the fuck I do
Mariah, it ever occur to you that I still have pictures?
However you prefer to do and goes for you too, Nick, faggot
You think I’m scared of you?
You gonna ruin my career you better get one
Like I’ma sit and fight with you over some slut bitch cunt who made me put up with her psycho ass over 6 months and only spread her legs to let me hit once
Yeah, what you gonna say? I’m lucky? Tell the public that I was so ugly that you fucking had to be drunk to fuck me?
Second base? What the fuck you tell Nick, punk?
In the second week we was dry humping. It’s gotta count for something.
Listen, girly. Surely you don’t want me to talk about how I nutted early cos ejaculated early and bus all over your belly, and you almost started hurling and said I was gross, go get a towel you’re stomachs curling. Or maybe you do.
But if I’m embarrassing me, I’m embarrassing you and don’t you dare say it isn’t true.
As long as the song’s getting airplay I’m dissing you.
I’m a hair away from getting carried away and getting sued.
I was gonna stop at 16. This is 32. This is 34 bars. We ain’t even a third of the way through.
Damn, Slim. Mariah played you. Mariah who?
Oh did I say ”whore”, Nick? I meant a liar too.
Like I’ve been goin off on you all this time for no reason.
Girl you out ya alcholic mind. Check ya wine cellar. Look at all the amounts of wine.
Like I sit around and think about you all the time.
I just think this is funny when I pounce you on a rhyme.
But it now i’m about to draw the line.
And for you to cross it that’s a mountain that I doubt you wanna climb.
I can describe areas of your house that you wouldn’t find on an episode of Cribs
A blubba load ribs if I hear another word so don’t go opening your jibs cos every time you do it’s just another load of fibs
I ain’t saying this shit again, ho. You know what it is.
It’s a warning shot for before I blow up ya whole spot
Call my bluff and I’ll release every fucking thing I got
Including the voicemails right before you flipped your top
When me and Luis were tryin’ to stick two CD’s in the same spot
(Slim Shady I love you)
I love you too
Let me whisper sweet nothings into your ear, boo. Now what you say?
(It’s nothing)
Guess what I’ll do?
I’ll refresh your memory when you said ”I want you”
Now should I keep going or should we call truce?
(You think you’re cute, right? Hahaha)
You bet your sweet ass I do
(I’m Mary Poppins, b)
And I’m Superman, mmm
(Mary P. Slim Shady)
Comin’ at you
So if you’ll still be my (babygirl)
Then I’ll still be your (Superhero, Wilma M.)
Yeah, I’m right here
(You like this)
Nope. Not anymore, Dear.
It cuts like a (knife) when I tell ya get a (life)
But I’m movin on with mine
Nick, is that your (wife)
Well tell her to shut her mouth then I’ll leave her alone
If she don’t (sing this script?) then I’ma just keep goin
(I see Mary Ann. Mary Ann’s saying ”cut the tape, cut the tape”. Knife!)

hey..eminem's good.. really good!